Scotty D Charities, Inc.

Scotty D Charities, Inc. was born in 2018. Scott Grant was a law enforcement officer for greater than 40 years. He saw the bad, ugly and the worst that society had to offer. He wanted to do something positive, something good to help offset the bad things that he had seen over the years. He wanted to see children light up with happiness. He had seen so many in tears as they were removed from deplorable living circumstances. He decided to play Santa when he found his first Santa suit on Facebook Marketplace, and it fit perfect! That was in 2011. He started with visits to schools, then downtown Dade City at the old courthouse lawn. He did this for approximately a year, when his wife, Jackie wanted to be included in bringing joy to those who wanted or needed some in their lives. She purchased a “Mrs. Claus” outfit from Amazon and they continued to do this every season on their own time, posting on Facebook Santa Is Watching You, to bring your children for photos with Santa for free. In 2018, Miranda Faulkner with Imagine Solutions reached out and offered help with setting up a charity, thus Scotty D Charities was born. Over the past couple of years, we have been helping other charities, schools, local hospitals, children’s programs with their Christmas needs. Funding is on a donation basis. We typically have one major fundraiser a year, held at the Dade City Tap House with their sponsored Charity Bingo. We started sponsoring children from the Guardian Ad Litem program at Christmas in 2020. That first year we sponsored 6 families with a total of 16 children. The following year, 2021, we were able to sponsor 16 families with a total of 34 children. Last year, 2022, we sponsored 20 families with 33 children and 11 adults from The Arc Nature Coast of Springhill, Florida. We have worked with some awesome people over the years who have helped us achieve these goals and owe a tremendous amount of gratitude. Welcome to our family and if you find the desire to help, be it to volunteer, donate items for our yearly silent auction or money, we will gracefully accept!
